Christmas is around the corner and, to be honest, we are not very happy about it. Therefore, as it cannot be any other way, the city that celebrates it by decorating its streets and throwing one of the most special Christmas events for Catalans… The Santa Llucia Fair in Barcelona!
The Santa Llucia Fair in Barcelona is a Christmas Market that is celebrated every year in the Plaza de la Seu, just in front of the Barcelona Cathedral, between the 29th November unt
il the 23rd December. In this space, around 270 stalls and shops are situated, where you can find everything related with Christmas (decorations, gifts, manger figures and many more). Down to this, there is so much to see at the fair that it is divided into four areas depending on what they sell: Manger figures, vegetative decorations, handcrafted or zambomba drums. Likewise, in addition to what this space offers us, they also usually have activities for kids so they don´t get bored as the adults shop.
One of the things that makes the Santa Llucia Fair so special is the fact that it is a Christmas Market that is focused on the oldest manger figures in the world. The first accounts we have of them date back to 1786, although this is the say that they are probably a lot older. In the beginning this market was made up of some small shops for manger decorations that were on the plaza with the target of, people leaving mass, to get them to buy clay figures to put in their manger.
Without any doubt, this is the perfect site to go to if you want to completely immerse yourself in Catalan Christmas traditions like the manger, Uncle Christmas or the figurines and bring home an original memory of your stay in Barcelona.