
Can I vote in 27 September Catalan Elections?


On the 27th September Catalonia votes in a parliamentary election with Catalan independence at the top of its agenda. The independence movement has been gaining momentum and support in recent years, with ever increasing turn outs at the rallies and demonstrations, including Catalonia National Day earlier this month on the 11th September.

Its supporters assure that a Catalan Republic would be economically viable, that independent participation in Europe is possible, and that the fresh start generated by this new political and social infrastructure provides a golden opportunity to establish a constitution to protect the rights and needs of its people whilst weeding out corruption. Opponents take a more conservative view of Catalonia’s strength to stand alone and of the changes implied.

George Orwell was one of many foreigners who fought for the Catalan cause during the Spanish Civil War, but this political battle is reserved for Spanish nationals. Foreign residents living in Barcelona are not eligible to vote; we can just watch from the sidelines with baited breath as this part of the world we now call home continues to evolve.

Catalan citizens living abroad can vote through their Embassy or Consulate.


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