The Boodaville permaculture revolution
Permaculture near Barcelona Boodaville is an environmental education / permaculture project run by the awe-inspiring…
Permaculture near Barcelona Boodaville is an environmental education / permaculture project run by the awe-inspiring…
3 Kings Parade It’s the 3 Kings of the Orient who bring gifts for the…
Noche Vieja, or New Year’s Eve has been celebrated for 27 years at Poble Espanyol.…
Welcome to Barcelona’s “nightology” selection. November hits the floor running with internationally recognized Festival de…
The CosmoCaixa building is a beautiful example of Modernist architecture, and is one of the…
Over the past several years, Barcelona city centre has played host to an increasing array…
As Europe sees it largest movement of displaced people since the WW2 and our TV…
Festive Round-Up There are two significant public holidays this month. Catalonia Day on the 11th,…
What lies behind Gaudí’s innovative architectural language? This interactive 4D journey will take you through…
Street Art and Graffiti in Barcelona Barcelona is a gigantic open-air exhibition of world-class graffiti…